本帖最后由 graccie张 于 2012-5-23 21:09 编辑
给大家share 一下,换上自己的名字和日期就可以
AAX 专门开的为天津线路退款专用邮箱 aax_tsn_refund@airasia.com
To whom it may concern,
Hereby I would like to demand a refund for my booking number XXXXX from Kuala lumpur to Tianjin on XX(day), xx(month) 2012 which was influnced by change of voyage.
I fully understand you have already changed my flight KUL-TSN to KUL-PEK automaticlly but it will be 10 hours later than my early booking, so I choose a Full refund to my debit card
The full informtion for refund is under below:
First and Last Name: xxxx(拼音,必须是乘机人本人)
Email Address:xxxx@sina.cn 接受亚航确认邮件的邮箱地址偶的是新浪的
Mobile phone number:86-xxxxxxxxxxx
Case category:Refund
Booking number :(退哪程票就写哪程票的预定号,6位字母和数字混合)
Bank name: 银行名称 如工商银行
Bank Account Holder's Name:储蓄卡持卡人姓名需要和乘机人相同拼音
Bank Account Number:卡号
Bank Branch:(乘机人本人储蓄卡开卡行名称,一般到分行如工商银行北京分行不清楚就打电话问银行)
Bank Currency:RMB
Routing Code : Swift code: 打电话问银行这个代码
至AAX 客服:
由于天津航线改签,在此我提出退款申请。为xx月xx日 吉隆坡-天津航线办理退款。