Dear Guest,
With regards to your refund request for booking number < TD79NS >, kindly furnish us with passenger or contact information bank account details in English and Chinese language for us to expedite the refund. 请以英语和华语提供我们您的银行户口资料,好让我们能促进您的退款。 Details required as per below: 1. Bank Holder Name 收款人名称 : 英语和华语(must be passenger or contact information/只是乘客或联系人) 2. Bank Name 收款银行/行别 : 英语和华语 3. Bank Account Number 收款人账号 ; (must be passenger or contact information/只是乘客或联系人) 4. Bank Branch 收款账号开户行(mandatory) : 英语和华语 5. Province 省份(mandatory) : 英语和华语 6. City 城市(mandatory) : 英语和华语 7. Booking number: 8. Swift Code :
Should you have further enquiries, please refer to our website by following this link: http://www.airasia.com> select country > select language > Help & Info > Contact Us. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to serve you better in the future. Kind Regards, Alethea Refund Support AirAsia