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发表于 2016-9-1 23:11:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 上海
本帖最后由 calton 于 2016-9-6 16:44 编辑


Jolivette Baricaua: Thank you for contacting HK Express!  Send us a message, we are happy to assist!

Me: Hello Jolivette, could you help check why i cannot manage booking with PNR: TYXXXX and KBXXXX?

Jolivette Baricaua: let me check

Me: i wanna resend the itinerary, but system says i cannot manage them right now

Jolivette Baricaua: May I have the date of the flight and from where to where please?

Me: TYXXXX, 13-Jan-2017, from WUXI to HONGKONG
KBXXXX, 16-Jan-2017, from HK to WUXI

Jolivette Baricaua: Thank you. May I also have your name and the email address on the booking to verify?

Me: Name: XXXXX, mail: XXXXXXX@126.com

Jolivette Baricaua: Thank you. We are sorry to inform you as per checking the flight was cancelled. May I know if you receive any email. As per checking the flight was cancelled today  

Me: cancelled today for a period ,or just forever?

Jolivette Baricaua: The flight on that date was cancelled due to operational reason

Me: do u have any backup plan for me?

Jolivette Baricaua: We will coordinate with the related department for the flight protection offer.
May I have your contact number so that once I have the update from the related department we will call you?

Me: yep, (86)18XXXXXXXX

Jolivette Baricaua: Thank you. We are sorry for the inconvenience MR XXXX I will get back to you and call you
I will coordinate with our head office regarding this.  

Me: please give me a date that you may call me
yeah, the cancellation ruined my plan, coz i have connected flights afterwards, now i have no idea how to do .... hope u guys can give me a good answer.

Jolivette Baricaua: Since I will not be available tomorrow I can call you back by Saturday.  I will also coordinate with my colleague to call you back as soon as possible once we have the response from the related department
I understand, we are sorry again

Me: no Saturday please, i need to rest, next Monday ok?

Jolivette Baricaua: Sure. That is noted. May I know the best time please?

Me: after 08:30, before 17:00, all good. thx

Jolivette Baricaua: Thank you so much

Me: yeah, please inform other HK express passengers ASAP, some people must be shocked by your cancellation without informing.

Jolivette Baricaua: I will, we are sorry again

Me: good, give me call on Monday, we'll check then

Jolivette Baricaua: Sure. Thank you

Me: good nite.


补充一点: 看了大家的评论反馈都很激动,尤其像我一样是买了连接航班的人可能要被迫改选其它航司,金钱还好,就怕时间不凑巧。然后也有人猜测只是我那天的航班被取消,所以我去double check了一下,然并卵,切实取消了。

May Recana: Thank you for contacting HK Express!  Send us a message, we are happy to assist!

Me: Good morning May, can i ask you sth for sure?

May Recana: Good day!
How can I help you?

Me: i was searching the flight from Wuxi to HK, but i saw all the flights after Oct  shown as "No flights", could you tell me if the route was cancelled or just system adjustment?

May Recana: Let me double check it first.

Me: yep, sure

May Recana: As per checking our flights for that route will be until October only due to route suspension.

2016.09.06 通话后补充:(本来是说周一的,但是昨天打电话过来正在开会,于是今天是二刷)
1. 如大家收到的邮件提示,一共3种选择,大家选适合自己的就好。我选的是第三种,退款。因为人民币付款会收手续费,所以我问了手续费退不退,他们竟然不知道什么手续费(满头黑线!!!),但承诺是full refund.
2. 我当晚的酒店也订好了,而且是not refundable, 他们表示无能为力,当然我也是知道没可能,还是不死心争论了会儿,他们满口sorry.
3. 自己本来想的改签到其它航司的愿望也是随着满口的sorry 消失于天际了。


总结:虽然航班取消给大家的行程都带来了不便,但是我个人觉得也没有必要因噎废食,毕竟快运大促的时候有些地方的有些价格还是蛮诱人的。如果长三角到香港的票价合适为何不撸呢? 总之,希望大家越撸越开心。


奖20E币  发表于 2016-9-2 10:32


参与人数 4财富 +36 收起 理由
wonucan + 10 很给力!
孩子先生 + 10 感谢共享!
一般男人1981 + 6 感谢提供信息!~
北府 + 10 英文不错


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发表于 2016-9-1 23:23:39 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东佛山
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发表于 2016-9-1 23:29:26 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏苏州
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-1 23:36:54 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海
wh天气不错 发表于 2016-9-1 23:29

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发表于 2016-9-2 00:58:20 | 只看该作者 来自: 华南理工大学
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