发表于 2020-10-24 20:51:59
来自: 北京海淀
“This is to inform you that as per the relevant team, all bookings are for wire transfer. However, may you send us a revised bank details form and ensure to fill out Designation, date and sign under authorized signatories . Also kindly send us another valid ID, we'll appreciate if you may send us a colored copy of the resident ID/ card.
Thank you,
Customer Care”
宿务让我把电汇表格修改,fill out designation,啥意思啊,还让我签字,还让我扫彩色的身份证,他们邮箱不接受大附件啊,超过8m肯定退信,有没有退款群,就是大家都没退成功的加个好友分享一下经验呀
宿务这邮件中的“fill out Designation” 啥意思啊!