话说是这样的,我1月9日吉隆坡飞巴厘岛,有托运行李,但航班延误了12小时,回国后通过ASK AIRASIA联系了亚航,亚航给开具了一份延误证明,但是延误原因给的Operational Requirement,咨询了保险公司不认可这种理由,同时保险公司还让我单独开具一份行李延误的证明。保险公司讲他们认可的是 Air Traffic Control。我随后再次联系亚航广州电话,说明了我的要求,亚航广州办事处讲应该可以给我重新开具证明,然后我继续网页联系ASK AIRASIA,用英文详细说明了我的状况和要求。。我需要明确延误原因为Air Traffic Control同时需要开具一份已托运行李延误的证明。经过一个春节的漫长等待,亚航刚刚给我回信了。看了简直晕倒了,回信如下:
Thank you for contacting us back.
On this opportunity, we would like to inform you that we are only able to issue the letter according to our standard procedure, including the reason. The delay letter sent to our guests is in our standard procedure with Airline Operational Requirement as the reason.
We hope that our explanation above will give you a better view on the matter. Thank you for choosing AirAsia and we look forward to seeing you on more AirAsia flights.
我的要求不过分啊,但保险公司有保险公司的要求,我能怎么办啊,我还需要一份行李也延误的证明啊,而且广州办事处的客服也讲了Operational Requirement和Air Traffic Control都是差不多应该能给我开具。。但是亚航总部那边什么都不管,就是生硬的告诉我不行。。请各位朋友支支招怎么弄啊,而且我觉得和他们网页联系回邮件好慢根本不好沟通的,诚心请教,祝各位马年大吉! |