本帖最后由 saveu 于 2014-5-21 19:46 编辑
退款结果 见38楼
先向aax_refundchannel发邮件询问情况,基本内容:我提供的卡号信息是否正确、你们是否打款;如果2,3天后没有邮件回复,换一个强硬的标题如:【Please Respond】;如果还是没回复就向aax_preflight、e_from(投诉,最好用英文)、微博小红 ,发送同样的内容询问情况; 借记卡最好是四大银行的 中行、建行;
aax邮件回复同意退款 我也发了银行卡信息 收到回复说30工作日,现在发现已从MANAGE MY BOOKING中订单消失
在My refund sratus 中输入订单号 查询没有记录
Dear ,
Thank you for emailing AirAsia X. With regards to your request, please be advised that we have moved the flight ***-KUL-*** in your booking *** as per your request. The revised travel itinerary has been sent to your e-mail address ***@***.com.
With regard to your refund request, please be informed that we have sent your booking *** & *** to relevant department for refund. The amount will be reversed back to your bank account and the process might take up to 30 working days.
Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated as we look forward to your continuous support towards Air Asia X.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you
AirAsia X PreFlight Team
3.17致电广州热线 :30工作日不包括周末 我继续等待
Dear ,
Greetings from AirAsia X !
Kindly be informed that we have escalated your request to the relevant department and based on our record, the booking is still under refund process. Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated as we look forward to your continuous support towards Air Asia
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration that was caused as we have put our best effort to assist your issue accordingly.
Best Regards
AirAsia X PreFlight Team
Dear Guest
The refunds for bookings *** & *** have been sent to your bank, kindly check with your bank for more details. If no transaction shows up with in 15 working days, kindly revert back to us with your bank statement for the month of March.
We appreciate your patience and patronage.
Refund Support Team
3.28 (退款同意已过30个工作日)
我暂时相信aax_refundchannel 等到了15 working days后看看是什么情况;
5.9 (退款审批已过40个工作日),依旧没有到账
广州热线只能看到我的订单信息,不能肯定说明我的退款进度,发过去的银行对账单 也不能帮我提交,只能让我自己联系 财务,广州热线说需要62开头19位卡,我追问他的意思只是规定,并不能查询到我的退款是因为这个原因.
每次邮件我都问我的卡号信息是否正确,你们是否汇款到我的银行卡; 今天已经是5.11了,没有到账,除了每次邮件道歉以外,没有其他任何信息
------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "aax_preflight";<aax_preflight@airasia.com>;
发送时间: 2014年5月6日(星期二) 上午10:27
收件人: ""<****@foxmail.com>;
主题: RE: RE:Refund of the customer, please please be processed asquickly as possible
Dear ***,
First of all, we do apologize for the delay on the refund process. We had confirmation from our finance that we had process refund and you shall receive within 3-7 working days. Please revert to us back if yet toreceive the said refund after the said time frame Again, we do apologize for the inconvenience cause.
Thank you.
Regards, Yuni AirAsia X PreFlight Team ------------------------------ ------------------ Original ------------------
From: "aax_refundchannel";<aax_refundchannel@airasia.com>;
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 04:40 PM
To: ""<***@qq.com>;
Subject: Refund - ******and ******
Dear Valued Customer,
First of all, we do apologize for the delay on the refund process. We had confirmation from our finance that we had process refund today and you shall receive within 3-7 working days. Please revert to us back if yet to receive the said refund after the said time frame (after 9May 2014). Again, we do apologize for the inconvenience cause. Thank you.
Warm Regards
AirAsiaX Refund Support Team
------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "aax_refundchannel";<aax_refundchannel@airasia.com>;
发送时间: 2014年4月24日(星期四) 下午5:42
收件人: ""<*****@foxmail.com>;
主题: FW: Re:FW: Customer Request For Refund ******& ******
Dear Guest,
Our apologies for all the inconvenience caused.
Be advised we have escalated your case to concerned and have advise to expedite the process on "as soon as possible" basis. Be advise your refund is under positive progress and we will notify you if any complication.
We again apologize for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your patronage.
Warm Regards
AirAsiaX Refund Support Team
Subject: RE: Re:FW: Customer Request For Refund ******& ******
Hi team, Refund is in progress, will seek our AP team to speed up the process. Sorry for any inconvenience cause.
From: [****@foxmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 1:00 PM
To: aax_refundchannel
Subject: Re: Re:FW: Customer Request For Refund
亚洲航空 亚航 退款 马累 取消航班 银行卡 借记卡 支付宝支付 储蓄卡 退款 到账