8月25日通过airasiago成功预订了明年3月的曼谷酒店,今天收到了一封Expedia(lodgops@expedia.com )的邮件,主题是Information regarding your reservation,酒店和时间跟airasiago上面预订的一样,但是有他们自己的订单号。首先我比较疑惑为什么expedia会知道我的邮箱(没有注册过expedia),会收到这个邮件,第二我想想问问要不要回复酒店,还是不管他。邮件摘文:
Thank you for choosing Expedia® or Hotels.com® for your travel needs.
We have been contacted by Baan Pra Nond B&B about your reservation, checking in on 3/23/2015.
They have requested we advise you of the following information:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from Baan Pra Nond B&B. I need to find out the guests' flight information. Since we do not have a 24 hours reservation, knowing guests' arrival information will help us make sure that some one is here to check them in.
Reservation ID: XXXXXXXXX
Guest: XXX XXX
Check-In: March 23, 2015
Check-Out: March 26, 2015
Hope to hear from you soon.
Warm regards,
Janya Wirotsirasak.
Assistant Manager.
Baan Pra Nond B&B
If you have any concerns, please contact the hotel directly at +66 02 212 22 42 or staywithus@baanpranond.com. Please have your Booking Number XXXXXXXXX ready so they can expedite your request.