
楼主: cspwc
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[廉价航空] 马代取消难民营

发表于 2014-2-11 22:13:45 | 只看该作者 来自: 四川成都
cspwc 发表于 2014-2-11 22:07
意思不能公开? 还是意思大家都相同

Dear Valued Guest,

First and foremost, we sincerely regret to inform you that effective from 1st March 2014, AirAsia X will be suspending our flights to/from Maldives.

The withdrawal of Maldives from our route network is due to the challenging business conditions which include the depreciation of Asian currencies against the US dollar and the chronic lack of hotel room supply in Maldives, resulting in cancellation of thousands of bookings by travel operators.

This has affected the viability of sustaining our renowned low fares.

We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS.

The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered as follows:
i.     cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund/Credit Shell; or
ii.    re-route to any other AirAsia X destination, without any additional cost.

In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice.
For further explanation on the reasons for our flight suspensions, please refer to our Press Release at http://airasiax.listedcompany.com/newsroom_press_releases.html

We would like to again apologise for the inconvenience caused due to the cancellation and hope that you are able to give us another opportunity to better serve you next time around.

AirAsia X

这是我收到的,没有选项IIIa啊,我是吉隆坡-马累 、 马累-吉隆坡 分开预定的。
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发表于 2014-2-11 22:21:55 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京
saveu 发表于 2014-2-11 22:13
Dear Valued Guest,

First and foremost, we sincerely regret to inform you that effective from 1st ...


iii.    transfer to an alternative airline subject to availability, without any additional cost.
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发表于 2014-2-11 22:36:30 | 只看该作者 来自: 四川成都
milaner 发表于 2014-2-11 22:21

iii.    transfer to an alternative airline subject  ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-11 23:05:43 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东
saveu 发表于 2014-2-11 22:13
Dear Valued Guest,

First and foremost, we sincerely regret to inform you that effective from 1st ...

奇怪 还不平等待遇啊 难道你没有国内吉隆坡往返?
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发表于 2014-2-11 23:06:27 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自: 印度尼西亚
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发表于 2014-2-11 23:06:45 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自: 印度尼西亚
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-11 23:14:21 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东
zudas 发表于 2014-2-11 23:06

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发表于 2014-2-11 23:17:31 | 只看该作者 来自: 北京
saveu 发表于 2014-2-11 22:36
这封邮件是说,现在就可以申请退款吗?还是说还需要等待另外一封专门的邮件,再申请退款呢? ...

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发表于 2014-2-11 23:52:53 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自: 四川成都
cspwc 发表于 2014-2-11 23:05
奇怪 还不平等待遇啊 难道你没有国内吉隆坡往返?

有国内-吉隆坡往返,再吉隆坡-马累,马累-吉隆坡  共3个Booking Number
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发表于 2014-2-12 08:42:41 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东广州
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