发表于 2016-8-26 11:33:46
来自: 江苏苏州
Thank you for making a booking request with us.
Our customer care agents are processing your request, and we will be in touch within the next 24 hours. If your booking is for a journey taking place before that time, we will contact you within 2 hours. As we are currently processing your order, there is no need to try booking again.
If you require any additional assistance, please contact us using the telephone number you can find below, quoting the Booking Identification number 806380133.
Thank you again for your booking request, and we will be in touch short
lastminute.com | Bravofly | Rumbo
+39.0423.402.040 (max call cost EUR 6,10 VAT included/call VAT included with credit card - only Mastercard and Visa cards accepted - from landline, other networks may charge higher costs) Monday to Sunday 24h/24 (time for english menu), valid throughout the world. |