不知道大家有没有认真后面的英文说明,买券时这几个问题还是应该要注意。1、“Bookings start from approximately £38 (excluding taxes and fees) with hotels available across every continent except Antarctica.”
2、“Any remaining balance on bookings worth more than £50 must be paid in full”
3、Where a selected hotel requires a 10% deposit payable to HotelClub with the balance to be paid directly to the hotel upon check-in, Member Rewards can only be used to pay for the deposit and not the balance which must be paid to hotel directly.
我理解的是 当选定的酒店要求先支付10%的房费给HOTELCLUB,清剩余付款项入住后再付清时,会员奖励只能用来缴纳预付款,不能用于支付剩余酒店房费。