前提说明,买了加航的bug机票,需要在温哥华转机去洛杉矶,看了 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/ctp/application.asp 关于过境加拿大 CTP 可以免签转机的说明: Nationals from China may now qualify for the China Transit Program (CTP). All Chinese nationals who qualify for the CTP must meet these conditions: - They hold a valid passport issued by the People’s Republic of China;
- They hold a valid United States (U.S.) visa;
- They travel to Canada on an approved airline (Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge, Air China, WestJet, Cathay Pacific, China Southern, Philippines Airlines, Jazz Air, Sky Regional Airlines Inc., Air Georgian, and Hainan Airlines); and
- They transit through an approved Canadian airport (Vancouver International Airport, Calgary International Airport or Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, Terminal 1 only). A change of terminal between flights in Toronto’s Pearson International Airport does not qualify as a condition of the CTP.
Notice: Individual travellers cannot apply to the CTP; only airports and airlines can submit an application. Learn more about the application process. 我的机票是当天在温哥华转机,不涉及隔夜。(上海-温哥华,加航班机,温哥华-洛杉矶,United Express 承运)。我的理解是可以免签转机的。随后致电加拿大签证中心上海办事处,工作人员给我建议说是需要办理过境签。打电话询问加航客服电话,得到的答案也是需要办理过境签。搞得有点糊涂,有没有大神可以给个权威解读,我到底需不需要办理过境签,谢谢!!