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巴厘岛旅行社‘Say Love Bali’ 因非法经营被关闭

发表于 2011-6-28 09:27:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 四川成都
本帖最后由 xla159 于 2015-9-14 18:30 编辑

No Love Lost Here
Bali Liang Committee Want Operators Behind Closed ‘Say Love Bali’ Put in Jail and Bali Travelindo Expelled from ASITA.

Hartono, the chairman of the “Bali Liang” – the Chinese marketing committee of the Bali chapter of the Association of Indonesian Travel Agents (ASITA), is up in arms and determined to extract strict sanctions against the owners of Say Bali Love – an outlawed travel agent recently closed by authorities in Bali.

Say Love Bali was closed as an illegal and unregistered travel agent by the authorities during a recent sweeping raid by Bali law enforcement and tourism officials. Hartono, however, is unhappy with the simple closure of the agency, saying those behind the company should be charged under the applicable criminal code providing for up to six months in jail and fines of up to Rp. 50 million (US$5,680).

According to Hartono, the decision of the authorities to merely close the illegal agency and not seek criminal punishments for the company’s principals will fail to deter others form running illegal travel agencies.

As reported by Bisnis Bali, Hartono is angered further by the fact that the discredited owners of Say Love Bali have now reportedly shifted all their business to a registered travel agency – Bali Travelindo. In Hartono’s view, Bali Travelindo is now operating as a front for the illegal company Say Love Bali.

Hartono says that if the case of Say Love Bali is not resolutely resolved with criminal charges filed against those responsible, he remains pessimistic that the unethical practice of “head hunting” in Bali will be in any way deterred by recent sweeping actions.

Hartono also told the press that Bali Liang will refuse any attempt by Bali Travelindo to join the Chinese Market grouping Bali Liang because of its close affiliation with the discredited Say Love Bali agency.

Moreover, Bali Liang has reportedly written a letter to ASITA calling for Bali Travelindo's expulsion from the travel association.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-28 09:31:42 | 只看该作者 来自: 四川成都
我用:巴厘岛旅行社Say Love Bali百度了一下,还真有中国的旅行社用这家做地接,提醒中国游客要注意了。
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发表于 2011-6-28 12:28:46 | 只看该作者 来自: 浙江金华
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