以下这个是宣誓书的填写方式; 如果你只是单纯的改名字,先不用填写这个,只需要邮件内说明航班号,错误的名字以及要修改成正确的名字,发送到这个宿雾的姓名更改信箱:namechange@cebupacificair.com ;该邮箱一般回复都比较快,先会自动回复给你一个,然后一般我感觉在12小时内会给你处理结果的;如果需要你提供宣誓书的,请打印出来,认真填写后扫描或者手机拍摄清楚后发送给他们,最好再复印下护照,并亲笔签名签上日期一并发送,就可以修改;我随后还在邮箱内注明了,我发誓,护照复印件上的签名是我亲笔写的;然后就改完了,没有额外费用; AFFIDAVIT
I, _________本人名字___________ , of legal age, Filipino citizen, with address
at 居住地的地址详细 到几零几 , after having been sworn in
accordance with law, hereby depose and say:
1. I have a confirmed booking with Cebu Pacific Air, with Confirmation No.
确认号_______________ and Booking Date of ____预定日期_________ under the name
___________定错的名字_______. A copy of the Itinerary Receipt is attached herewith as
Annex “A”.
2. The booking should be in the name of _______正确的名字_________.
3. The names ______错误名字______________ and ______正确名字______________ refer to one
and the same person.
4. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and to support
my request for a Name Change in my confirmed booking with Cebu Pacific Air.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____正确名字______________ in
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in
___正确名字_______________ this _______你所在的国家__________ by the affiant, who personally appeared before
me and whose identity I have confirmed through his/her Passport No. __护照号_______________
issued on _____护照办理日期_____________at ____办证地点(我写中国)________________, bearing affiant's photograph and
下面的不需要填写 Doc. No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Series of ______.