大家好,我的big win 任务如下:
1、Stay at any IHG® hotel and receive 1,000 Points.
2、Stay a total of 4 nights and receive 4,000 Points
3、Stay at 3 different IHG brands and receive 10,000 Points
4、Book 2 separate stays through an IHG® hotel website or mobile device to get our best price guarantee and receive 2,000 Points
5、Stay 2 Saturday nights and receive 8,000 Points.
6、Complete all of your offers and receive 25,000 Points
这次重庆九寨全家4人出游,刚好可以配合周末六折活动,算下来真的可以省不少,同时也研究下自己的big win,打算这样安排我的计划,9月14号入住滨江假日(通过电话6折预定),15号搬家到长都假日(通过电话6折预订),18号还是住长都假日(通过手机正常价格预订),20日入住锦绣城智选假日(预订2间房,因为智选假日的标间只有1米,4人入住不合适,一间我通过电话6折预订,一间我通过官网正常价格预订),请问通过电话预定的周末六折活动,这种预定方式算big win吗,是否一定要通过网站或者手机端的预订才算,还有一项任务Book 2 separate stays through an IHG® hotel website or mobile device to get our best price guarantee and receive 2,000 Points,为了配合这个条款,我特意在智选假日的2间房中选取一间通过官网正常价格入住,当然知道还要在21号(周六)再住一晚酒店,那是否就算完成我的offer. 另外配合大中华二选一,我如果在21号时候再住回长都假日,是否就算获得3晚免费房+50000积分,还是说20号的那晚我订的2房间只算我1个stay. 问的问题挺多,真是不好意思了,请大家耐心看完,其实也可以给大家做为1个案例参考,谢谢。