拒签信中主要理由如下: Based on your application, I do not consider your employment circumstances to be strong evidence that you are a genuine visitor with a commitment to abide by the conditions of your visa and to depart Australia within visa validity.怎么就能从我工作环境看出我不会按时回国?我是一家教育咨询公司的法人代表,公司是做培训的。提交了营业执照,组织代码证等 You have provided insufficient evidence that you, or those offering to support your travel, have access to adequate means to cover the costs of the visit. Considering your financial situation, I am not satisfied that you are a genuine visitor with a commitment to abide by all of the conditions imposed on your visa and leave Australia within visa validity.说我财力不足,我提交了5万定期,1.5万活期,3套房子(房产证,购房合同,购房发票,2套老公名下,一套我名下),车库购买发票,车辆行驶证。再次送签的话,我肯定会在活期上面下功夫,多存点钱进去 Based on the information provided in your application, you have previously travelled to a limited number of countries outside of China.
Although this does not stand against you, your international travel and immigration record do not support your application by demonstrating that you have abided by the conditions of prior visas and departed other countries within visa validity.怎么看出我没有原有的出入境没有按时回国了?我每次出入境都是按时守法,去的都是东南亚国家,出去的次数也比较多。(想了半天,只记得护照里有一个马来西亚签证办过没用过,那是旅行社在帮我办理泰国签证时误办的,办的那批都是马来泰国一起办的,就我只要泰国的)
打算半个月后自己再次送签,恳请有经验的旅友帮我看看问题出在哪里,再次送签要注意一些什么。 |