I have booked a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Chengdu.The booking number is XXXXXX. And now I want to take my friend with me.So could you please help me to add him to my flight.
1. Last Name: G
2. First Name: T
3. Title:Mr.
4. Date of Birth:12/12/1985
5. Nationality:Chinese
6. Passport Number:E117XXXXXX
7. Issued Country:China
8. Expiry Date :29/9/2099
Please be more attention that Mr. G T just fly with me from Kuala Lumpur to Chengdu. This is one-way apply. Thank you very much!(因为我只申请单程,害怕亚航给我搞成往返了,所以加了这句,申请往返的不用加!)