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[潜水专版] (转)一篇关于《2010最佳傻瓜水下相机》译文

发表于 2012-2-22 00:08:52 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 上海徐汇区


Best Underwater Point & Shoot Cameras for 2010
By Berkley White, Jim Decker
We searched and tested hundreds of point & shoot cameras to find the best match between pocket-size portability, price, and the goals of an aspiring underwater photographer. Berley

原文作者是Berkley White,Jim Decker


As we did in 2009, the Backscatter team took ten steps back and examined the hundreds of underwater point & shoot camera options with fresh eyes. We focused a great deal of attention on the lowest priced and smallest sized cameras as our goal was to find a high quality camera that fits in a pocket, will survive a beach party, and can produce great images on an afterwork dive.

We gave cameras a nod for their sex appeal. A sexy camera is fun to hold, fun to use, and more likely to get slipped into a pocket for a night on the town. We found ourselves giving some cameras a second chance, but had to vote them off the island due to poor underwater performance, or otherwise not meeting the needs of an aspiring underwater photographer.

If underwater photography is paramount to your next point & shoot camera decision, we're confident that you'll be happy with any of these test finalists on your next land excursion or on your next dive.

Most point & shoot cameras perform well with built-in macro settings and an off camera strobe, but we were in pursuit of a pocket-sized camera that can do more. All underwater photos in this article were taken with point & shoot cameras.

Our 2010 Test Criteria:
Target User
1) New underwater photographer wanting an easy point & shoot camera with growth potential.
2) Advanced underwater photographer wanting a compact camera solution.

Camera Feature Requirements
1) Great to excellent image quality.
2) Camera must fit in a pocket when used topside.
3) Camera must be point & shoot easy, but offer intermediate to advanced controls.
4) Underwater housing must easily work with underwater strobes.
5) Underwater housing must accommodate wide angle lenses.










Features we like in underwater cameras
Unlike our 2009 review, more cameras seemed to meet our minimum criteria, but the top picks quickly bubbled to the top of the list. We again divided the cameras into two categories and the staff blessed a select few with top pick honors. To help you understand our criteria, please review the following concepts.


Wide Angle Lenses:
We eliminated many cameras because they were incompatible with underwater wide angle lenses. Most of these cameras featured a 5X or greater zoom lens. While this might be attractive for topside photography, long zoom lenses require underwater housings designs with long lens ports. Accessory wide angle lenses must mount to the end of these ports and suffer from severe vignetting (dark corners) when the camera is zoomed wide. You can zoom in the camera lens to clip out the dark corners, but this defeats the point and is a nuisance to use. Our point & shot camera finalists in this review offer great wide angle lens solutions by the original manufacturer or a high quality third party solution.


To capture the big picture or a unique perspective, point & shoot cameras require an accessory wide angle lens. Unfortunately, very few cameras available today are compatible with these essential underwater lenses. The images above were taken with a point & shoot camera armed with a wide lens.

Manual vs. Auto Exposure:
We remain surprised (and aggravated) with the lack of manual exposure control on the majority of low priced cameras. We applaud automation, but even a new user will benefit from the creative options of manual exposure controls.



Best_Underwater_Camera_Eyeball.jpg (84.43 KB, 下载次数: 877)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 00:12:24 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海徐汇区
Cameras with manual exposure allow the photographer to independently control shutter speed and aperture. This might sound complicated to a new photographer, but with a little guidance most new shooters quickly pick-up the rewarding technique of manual exposure. Cameras without manual controls can still produce good results with (+/-) exposure compensation adjustments. We recommend auto shooters try out (-1) or (-2) exposure compensation settings to get richer color on upward angle shots.

以上三张照片,从左到右,分别是: 1.自动曝光无闪光灯,2.自动曝光家闪光灯,3.手动曝光加闪光灯

All cameras in this review are point & shoot easy, but a few offer more growth potential. Auto exposure cameras can take great snapshots, but adding a strobe and selecting a camera with manual exposure options will provide more rich and saturated colors.

Highlight Warning and Histograms:
It's disappointing to download photos from a great dive only to learn they are too dark or too bright. Better to be warned of errors while we're still in the water and able to correct our mistakes. Professional SLR cameras offer highlight warning and histogram feedback displays to help pro shooters dial in their exposure on the spot. A few of the point & shoot cameras in this review also feature a simplified version of these essential exposure guides. The Highlight Warning will blink a warning color in areas that are overexposed. The Histogram is simply a bar graph of the tones in the image and provides refined feedback to help you on the ultimate digital exposure goal--to make the exposure as bright as possible without loosing too much detail in the highlights.

Highlight warnings alert the photographer of over exposure. Histograms are a bar graph of tones in the image and can guide the photographer to the ultimate goal of a proper exposure.

Slave TTL Strobes:
In recent years strobe manufacturers have developed what is called slave TTL. When set to slave TTL mode, the underwater strobe simply mimicks the camera's built-in strobe to produce an automatic strobe exposure. While no automatic system will yield perfect results 100% of the time, this system works reasonably well and can help someone who is just starting out to get some good shots in the can on their first trip. Understanding how TTL systems work, how to judge exposures, and working within a camera system's limitations will be a photographer's best tools for getting the picture you want.
附属TTL 闪光灯:


Best Low Cost and Automatic Only Cameras:
Camera + Housing Price Range: $179 - $599

Our picks in the pocket size / automatic category:
Olympus FE-360, Canon SD-940, Sea & Sea 1200HD
在小尺寸/无手动组别,我们的选择是:Olympus FE-360,Canon SD-940,Sea & Sea 1200HD

Cameras in this category easily slip into a pocket, but do not have manual exposure control (do not allow the photographer to select both aperture and shutterspeed settings). New underwater photographers usually gravitate to automatic exposure, but after 6 months to a year of shooting they discover that manual exposure is actually very easy and produces significantly better results underwater. Despite these limitations, these cameras produce great images and do offer an exposure compensation control allowing the photographer to brighten or darken the image. The most important factor in underwater photography is being in the right place at the right time. If we were on a tight budget, we'd choose these cameras to be at our side when we happened upon the right dive at the right time!

Olympus FE-360, Olympus PT-044 (from left to right)

Olympus FE-360: Best low cost pocket camera
This was a surprise winner for 2010. Last year we honored this camera as our staff top pick for best low cost automatic point and shoot. Due to its great features and continued availability it again made our top shelf selection. As with the other cameras in this category, the FE-360 only offers exposure compensation (no manual), but its tiny size and unbeatable price wins us over. You can buy a complete camera and 40m / 130ft rated housing combo for well under $200 and it blows all competitors away in image quality at this price point.


The Olympus PT-044 housing is also compatible with the Fisheye FIX M46 52 Wide Lens which is removable underwater, and yields a 100 degree angle of coverage. The Olympus FE-360 does not feature a hotshoe (hardwire) strobe connection, thus you will need to use a digital slave compatible underwater strobe. We consider the following strobes to best match this camera in lowest cost and highest quality: Sea & Sea YS-17 Package, Fantasea Remora Package
这个防水壳,可以加装Fisheyes的FIX M46 52广角镜,可以在水下装或者卸,广角范围有100度。防水壳没有外接的热靴借口,所以,要加装一个数字式的附属兼容水下闪光灯。我们认为一下这些闪光灯跟这个防水壳是最匹配的:SEA & SEA YS-17套装和FANTASEA REMORA 套装。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 00:14:16 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海徐汇区

Canon SD-940 camera and Canon WP-DC33 underwater housing

(元宝按:这款Canon SD-940,应该是美国版的型号,我查了一下,对应的应该是Ixus 120 IS)

Canon SD-940: Auto camera with HD movie

The SD940 shares the same impressive histogram and highlight warning display as the more expensive S90 and G11 cameras, and is the only auto only camera in this review to offer highlight warning. This camera shoots great stills, but the 720p HD video quality is surprisingly good at home on a big screen display. Exposure compensation is easy to access and can also be dialed in before starting a movie clip. If your image goals flip-flop between stills and video, this is the camera for you.

Our recommended strobes for this low cost camera include the Sea & Sea YS-17 Package and Fantasea Remora Package. If you're looking to pair this camera with a compact slave TTL strobe, take a look at the Inon S-2000 package. Our recommended wide angle lens for this camera is the Inon 28AD lens. This lens has a 100 degree angle of coverage, and can be expanded to 150 degrees by adding on an optional dome unit. If you are considering this camera more for the HD movie capability, take a look at the Fisheye FIX LED 1000 video light package as your primary lighting system for both photo and video.
我们推荐这款廉价相机搭配以下两款水下闪光灯:SEA & SEA YS-17套装和FANTASEA REMORA 套装。如果你需要为这款相机配上一对体积小的闪光灯的话,看看这个Inon S-2000套装吧。我们推荐给这款相机的广角镜是Inon的28AD。这个广角的覆盖范围为100度,加多一个镜头罩可以扩张到150度。如果你从拍视频的角度出发的话,建议大家看看 Fisheye Fix LED 1000摄像灯套装,用这个作为主灯的话,你就能兼顾摄影和摄像了。

Sea & Sea 1200HD underwater housing, Sea & Sea 1200HD Camera (from left to right)

Sea & Sea 1200HD: Auto camera with HD movie
The Sea & Sea 1200HD continues on again this year with no changes. The Sea & Sea 1200HD features 720p video in a tiny camera. While the video quality is not the same as you would get from a dedicated HD camcorder, this camera produces good quality video and makes great web clips for YouTube. The 1200HD is also compatible with the Sea & Sea 1200HD Wide Angle Lens for an 80 degree view. If you want a small, low cost camera for video clips, with built in fiber optic and wide angle lens mounts this camera is a good choice. As with other cameras in this category, you will need to use digital slave compatible strobes such as the Sea & Sea YS-27, Sea & Sea YS-17, and Sea & Sea YS-110 alpha underwater strobes.
这款相机在2010年依旧没有什么变化。它作为一台小相机,具有720D的高清摄像功能。虽然摄像质量跟高清摄像机没法比,不过,它的摄像质量还是相当不错的,用在YOUTUBE上就很棒。这台相机的潜水壳适用于同品牌的专用广角镜,有80度的视角。如果你想要一台体积小,能拍视频,价格低廉又自带光纤接口而且可以加广角镜的相机的话,这款相机就是你的选择。跟其他同组的相机一样,你需要一个数字式的兼容附属闪光灯,如Sea & Sea YS-27, Sea & Sea YS-17, 或者Sea & Sea YS-110 alpha等。

Best Intermediate & Advanced Cameras:
Camera + Housing Price Range: $628-$1598

Our top picks in the advanced category:
Canon G11, Sea & Sea DX-2G, Canon S90

Consider these cameras the best in class of all point & shoots reviewed. From top image quality to durability, these cameras excelled over all other models. Not only do these cameras offer easy automatic exposure, they also have intermediate to advanced manual controls for the growing photographer. With the exception of the tiny Canon S90, these cameras won't slip into a pocket as well as cameras in the basic category, but once you get your photo game on, you won't be cussing the camera for lack of control.
上述三款相机,是所有我们评测过的傻瓜相机中最好的三个。它们有顶尖的成像表现,它们非常耐用,它们战胜了所有的竞争对手。这三款相机,不仅有容易操作的全自动曝光模式,还有进阶的手动曝光控制以满足用家的更高要求。除了Canon S90以外,另外两款相机都有点大,没法放到衣服口袋里,不过,当你要拍照的时候,你会觉得这几个相机都很容易操控。

Canon G11: Best advanced compact in class
Last year we selected the Canon G10 as best in class and this year its sibling the Canon G11 easily won the staffs top pick with superior image quality and easy ergonomics. The most notable changes are a 2.7 in. swing out LCD that allows easy self portraits topside and a reduction from 14.7MP to 10.0MP that gives the G11 less noise at higher ISO settings. We agree that 10MP is plenty of resolution and applaud the effort to clean up high ISO images.

去年,这个最佳的头衔,落到CANON G10头上,今年,就是G10的小弟G11。选它的原因很简单,最顶尖的成像质量和容易操控的按钮。对比G10来说,最明显的改进就是它的2.7英寸LCD显示屏,这个显示屏能旋转,自拍一族方便了。它的像素从G10的1千4百万降到一千万,因此在高ISO值的时候,噪点少了很多。我们觉得,一千万像素,够用了,降低像素而抑制噪点,这个选择,赞!

As with its predecessor, the Canon G11 is a pocket filler and most people will likely choose a purse or belt bag for land travel. However, we find its larger size more comfortable for all hand sizes. A built-in 3 stop neutral density filter is great for shooting in high ambient light. Our favorite manual control is the (*) button on the back which activates momentary auto exposure. A quick press of this button will rough in your exposure automatically and then return you to manual mode for refinement. A second great feature is a dedicated dial for exposure compensation. We were really surprised to discover the camera's ability to assign a true 1 touch white balance to the shortcut button. These are features we'd like to see on top end DSLR's.

The 28mm mm - 140mm lens is great for land use, but the 28mm wide feature will cause vignetting with most underwater wide lenses. The Fisheye FIX G11 housing solves this problem with the dedicated Fisheye FIX Super Wide 165 degree angle port, however it cannot be removed underwater. Fisheye redesigned a few of their controls on the FIX G11 housing over the G10 making it easier on the fingers. The Fisheye FIX G11 is also the only one of two housings in this review machined from solid aluminum and offers depth ratings of 60m / 196ft (upgrade option to 100m / 328ft). The Fisheye FIX G11 also features great ergonomics and is fiber optic sync cord ready out of the box. This housing is best suited for digital slave strobes and produces very accurate TTL exposures with Inon Z-240, Inon D-2000, and Inon S-2000 strobes.
G11的28mm-140mm镜头在陆地的表现非常出色,但是28MM的广角特性,加水下广角的话,会产生虚光。Fisheye FIX G11 潜水壳用其独特的Fisheye FIX Super Wide 165度广角镜头罩解决了这个问题,不过,这个镜头罩没法在水下拆装。Fisheyes在G10的潜水壳基础上对其FIX G11作出了一些改进,让手指操纵变得更舒适更容易。Fisheye FIX G11潜水壳是本次评测中仅有的两个用全铝制造能耐60米深度的防水壳之一,还能升级到100米放水。Fisheye FIX G11有出色的人机工程学设计,而且,它有自带的光纤同步线。这款潜水壳,配合Inon的Z-240,Inon D-2000和Inon S-2000水下闪灯使用,最为理想了。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 00:17:17 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海徐汇区
The polycarbonate Ikelite G11 is a larger housing and offers a respectable 60m / 196ft depth rating. Most attractive on the Ikelite G11 is the eTTL electronics and hardwire bulkhead built into the housing. Simply plug-in an Ikelite DS-51 or Ikelite DS-161 strobe for accurate eTTL exposures without the camera battery draining, recycle time eating requirements of fiber optic slave strobe solutions. The Ikelite WD-4 wide angle conversion dome is underwater removable and offers a slight increase in stock angle of coverage. While this system is great for macro, we're hoping Ikelite can offer a wider angle lens solution in the near future.
Ikelite G11 潜水壳是塑料制造的,它能抗60米深水压的性能,令人钦佩。最吸引我们的,是Ikelite G11 的eTTL电子系统和壳内自带的热靴接口系统。简单插上一个Ikelite DS-51或者 DS-161就能获得准确eTTL曝光数据,不需要浪费相机自身的电力,这那些光纤感应接口的附属闪灯带来的最大的弊病。Ikelite WD-4广角转换罩在水下能拆装,能稍微提升广角的角度。尽管这套装备非常适合微距拍摄,我们还是希望Ikelite将来能提供一个更大角度的广角镜头。


The Canon WP-DC34 underwater housing is a great low cost option, but its large square lens port limits its compatibility with most underwater wide lenses. The Fisheye FIX Wide Air Lens designed specifically for the WP-DC34 offers 100 degrees of coverage, but the bungee attachment system feels a little awkward. We recommend this housing if you are primarily interested in macro or water sport photography or are on a budget and want to shoot medium wide shots.
Canon WP-DC34是一款很好的原厂低价潜水壳,但是它的粗大镜头罩决定了它跟大多数第三方广角镜头无法匹配。 Fisheye FIX Wide Air Lens广角是专门为了WP-DC34潜水壳设计的,能提供100度的广角。不过这个广角镜是用橡筋固定在潜水壳上的,这个固定方式感觉上很古怪。如果您是只喜欢玩微距摄影,或者只想拍些水上运动的图片,或者预算不够,或者只想拍一些中度广角的照片的话,就用这个防水壳吧。

Sea & Sea DX-2G camera and Sea & Sea DX-2G housing (from left to right)

Sea & Sea DX-2G camera and housing combo

Last year we included the Sea & Sea DX1G as a finalist due to its very short shutter delay and good manual control options. The new Sea & Sea DX-2G has essentially the same features, but with a higher resolution 12.1MP sensor and a larger, higher resolution screen. The screen on the DX1G was too dark when shooting in manual exposure mode, but the new DX2G features a consistantly bright screen regardless of your exposure settings. While the shutter delay is very small, shooting speed in RAW format remains slower than other cameras in this category. This compact housing is rated to 180 feet and features two built-in fiber optic mounts. The Sea & Sea DX-2G 100 degree wide lens also features a bayonet mount built right onto the housing (no threads means fast removal and replacement). The Sea & Sea DX-2G also has two separate knobs for manual shutterspeed and aperture adjustments, giving the user fast access to these controls. We recommend the Sea & Sea YS-17, Sea & Sea YS-27, and Sea & Sea YS-110 alpha underwater strobes for this system. Inon strobes can also be used with the XIT404 Inon to Sea & Sea Fiber Optic Cable Adapter.

去年,我们把Sea & Sea DX1G列入前三强名单,因为它的快门响应很快而且有很出色的手动控制选择。今年,新的Sea & Sea DX-2G 有同样的优点,但是像素提升到1千2百万,而且显示屏的尺寸更大,分辨率更高。DX1G的显示屏在使用手动曝光的时候太暗了,新的DX2G 显示屏在任何曝光模式都会很亮。快门延迟很少,但是用RAW格式拍摄的时候,速度明显比其他竞争型号相机要慢。体积紧凑的潜水壳能抗180呎水压,有两个光纤感应接头。Sea & Sea DX-2G 可以配100度的广角镜头,是防水壳右侧自带的一个刺刀状的接口,拆装都很快速简便。Sea & Sea DX-2G有两个独立的分别调整快门速度和光圈大小的旋钮,用户使用起来很简便。我们推荐 Sea & Sea YS-17, Sea & Sea YS-27, 和Sea & Sea YS-110 alpha 闪灯配合这套系统使用。Inon的XIT404 Inon to Sea & Sea Fiber Optic Cable Adapter也能用在这个潜水壳上。

Canon S90, Fisheye FIX S90, Ikelite S90, and Canon WP-DC35 (from left to right)

Canon S90: Best pocket sized advanced camera
We're glad to see the S series of Powershot cameras back in Canon's lineup this year. The S90 packs a lot of features into a small body. It has the same imaging sensor as the G11, but the lens is a bright F2 with a 3.8x zoom. With the shorter zoom range, wet mate style wide angle lenses are an option on the housings for this camera. The S90 has a shortcut button that allows 1 touch white balance, just like on the Canon G11. While it shares many of the features of the G11, a lot of these features are in the menu system or available through the multifunction front control ring, rather than being directly accessible as a separate control on the camera. Such is the price for a smaller sized pocket cam.

今年,看到Canon的S系列回归,我们大家都很开心。S90把很多强大的功能都塞到一个小小机身里去了。它的图像感应器跟G11一样,但是镜头的F2的3.8倍变焦的。由于它变焦距离短,Wet Mate款式的广角镜头可以让大家选择了。S90有白平衡调整的一键快速操作模式,跟G11一样。虽然它很多功能跟G11一样,但是这些功能之间的切换就是在菜单里面或者是镜头底部的多功能调整环,跟G11的独立调整钮都不一样。因此,它的价格和体积就相应降低下来了。

The Fisheye FIX S90 housing is machined from solid aluminum and is depth rated to 60m / 196ft. With the precision that can be achieved with machined aluminum, this housing is the smallest and lowest profile of any underwater housing we have seen. Built in fiber optic connectors, and a threaded front port that accepts 67mm, 52mm, and Inon AD mounts allows a wide choice of accessory macro and wide angle lenses. Our favorite wide lens is the 52mm mount Fisheye UWL-04, which produces a 165 degree angle of view. This housing is also our favorite for controls as it is the only housing to have access to both the front and rear dials of the camera.
Fisheye FIX S90 潜水壳是用坚固的全铝材质制造的,能耐60米深水压。因为对铝材的精细车削加工工艺,这个潜水壳是我们见过的体积最小的相机潜水壳了。它有内置的光纤感应接头,镜头罩有螺纹,可以对应67mm,52mm以及INON AD系列的各种微距或广角镜头罩。我们最爱的是52mm规格的Fisheye UWL-04,它能提供165度的广角范围。这个潜水壳在操纵方面的表现,也是我们最为推崇的。在所有的对应S90的潜水壳里,它是唯一一个能发挥这个相机前后两个调节功能的产品。

The Ikelite S90 housing offers a 200 ft depth rating and has access to the front control ring, but not the rear wheel of the camera. To control the function of the rear wheel, the user must press and hold the shortcut button, then press left or right on the 4 way selector. Due to the position of the shortcut button, this can be an awkward task. The housing has 67mm threads on the front port allowing the use of macro and wide angle lenses. However, due to the wide 28mm lens of the S90, 67mm wide lenses will vignette. This requires the user to zoom the lens in to avoid the vignetting.
Ikelite S90潜水壳提供200呎的抗水压性能,而且,相机前部的调整环也能用上,不过,相机背面的调整环就用不上了。为了使用后面那个调整环,用户要按下那个按钮,一直按住它,同时按动左右4个方向的按钮来选择不同功能。这些按钮之间的距离,让用户做这个动作的时候非常别扭。潜水壳本身镜头罩前端有个67mm的螺纹接口,用户可以自己选配不同的微距或广角镜头。不过,由于S90本身就是28MM的广角了,所以,67mm的广角镜头会产生虚光。用户要拉长镜头以避免虚光的产生。

The Canon WP-DC35 housing for the S90 has a 130 ft depth rating and access to the front control ring, but not the rear wheel of the camera. Wide angle lens options from Inon are expected as soon as they complete the lens mount base adapter for the housing. The Inon 28AD lens will allow for a 100 degree angle, and an option to add a dome unit will yield 150 degrees. Stay tuned to this article for when this lens mount will be available.
Canon WP-DC35是原厂潜水壳,它同样能对相机前面的调节环进行操作,不过,背面的就用不了了。Inon的广角镜头还没有面世,因为广角与镜头罩的接口系统还没有做出来。有了这个接口系统,Inon的28AD广角能提供100度的广角范围,增加一个球形罩,广角范围能提升到150度。网站会在Inon的广角面世时更新本文的。(作为翻译的元宝就不一定会更新了,嘿嘿.....)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 00:18:18 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海徐汇区
Our favorite strobe options for the S90 are the Sea & Sea YS-110a or Inon S-2000. The YS-110a offers a slave TTL mode along with manual mode and has a guide number of 22. The smaller Inon S2000 strobe also offers a slave TTL mode and manual mode with a slightly lower (less bright) guide number of 20.
我们为S90搭配的闪灯是Sea & Sea YS-110a 或者Inon S-2000。YS-110A的附属TTL模式GN值是22,而体积小点的Inon S2000则是20(拜谢潜客网“大头”师兄的指点)
Overall System Winners:
Staff Favorite Camera and Housing Combos 2010


As with our previous reviews, a few of our top picks were a slam dunk, others we argued down to the detail. The list below represents our favorite camera and housing combos for new and advanced users. Camera and housing technology is always changing, but these are the solutions we're currently recommending to our best dive buddies. If you're reading this article later in 2010, please give us a call for the latest updates.

We selected our final top picks based on the camera's ability to reproduce the point & shoot images above and asked the following questions: Close focus wide angle lens? Manual exposure control or compensation to make the background bright or dark on demand?

Best Low Cost System ($179 - $699)最佳低价组合:

Olympus FE360 Package

For a second year running, the Olympus FE-360 with Olympus PT-044 housing won our top pick in the lowest price category. With its new even lower price it seemed impossible to find a camera that could out shoot it for close to the same price. Its manual controls are limited to exposure compensation, but a new shooter can get a great pocket camera and housing for well under $200. We also tested many of the low priced strobes on the market and found the Fantasea Remora Package (with our custom arm and tray) to offer the brightest light and best quality for entry level options. The Fantasea Remora strobe is limited to manual control, but offers great lighting low cost. Many of our customers prefer to upgrade this package to the Sea & Sea YS-17 strobe for a smaller and more automated solution. With the Fantasea strobe a complete system with camera, housing, wide angle lens, and strobe package totals up to a mere $699.
连续第二年了,Olympus FE-360 +Olympus PT-044 防水壳在我们这个最便宜组别获胜。它现在的价格,更便宜了。你们找不到同样价格而拍摄质量比它更好的产品了。它的手动曝光补偿功能有限,但是新手能用不到200美金的价格就买到一台这么小的相机外加潜水壳了。我们还测试了很多低价的闪光灯,最后发现,Fantsea Remora套装(用我们自制的灯臂底座)能提供最高亮度的闪光亮度,而且是入门级产品中,质量最好的。这个闪灯的手动模式同样有限,但是它便宜。我们很多用户愿意把闪灯部分升级到Sea & Sea YS-17,它比Fantasea更小,而且自动化程度更高些。


Best Auto Camera System with HD Movie Mode ($448 - $1548)

Canon SD940 Package

Photo quality from the Canon SD-940 positioned it as top of the automatic class, but its HD movie quality at this price point was what blew us away. While it's not designed to be a primary underwater video camera, it performs impressively well in situations where a still image just won't tell the story as well as motion pictures. With a 24 mbps video data rate, this camera offers the highest video data rate of any camera in this review and rivals the top data rates of dedicated video cameras. To minimize cost we selected the Canon WP-DC33 housing, but selected the more user friendly sTTL capabilities and ultra-compact size of the Inon S-2000 with our custom tray and arm package. A complete system with camera, housing, wide angle lens, and strobe package totals up to $1548.
Canon SD-940的图像质量在全自动组别里面是最高的,而且它的高清摄像功能让在在这个价格组别没有对手。虽然它不是水下摄像机,但是它在图片不足以描绘的情形中的出色的摄像能让人印象深刻。它的动态影像是24 MBPS格式的,在所有的参与评测产品中是最高数值的,足以媲美那些最好的摄像机了。为了降低费用,我们选择了原厂壳--Canon WP-DC33 。不过,在闪灯方面,我们选择更易用的有sTTL功能和体积超小的Inon S-2000,搭配我们自己定制的底座和灯臂套间。全套组合,包括相机,壳,广角镜和闪灯套件的价格是1548美金。

Best Advanced Pocket System ($1228 - $2735)

The Canon S90 is not only the most pocket friendly of the advanced options, its manual control set rivals the best in the category. We're quite fond of the rugged aluminum construction and optical choice found with Fisheye FIX S90. It has become the favorite choice of technical divers that want a rugged housing and camera option as a clip off unit. It is also unique in providing access to both the front and rear control dials making it much less of a finger twister for manual exposure control. Base camera and housing price is $1228. We selected the Sea & Sea YS-110a and Ultralight strobe arm package as we assume this user would also want TLL and a more future-proof lighting system. A complete camera, housing, wide lens and strobe package costs $2735.

S90不仅是最好玩的口袋大小的半专业相机,它的手动控制功能击败了跟它同组的其他对手。Fisheye FIX S90的坚固的铝制外壳和众多光学镜头选择让我们很满意。对于很多技术潜水玩家来说,这个组合很理想,外壳坚固,体积又小,可以挂在身上。这个潜水壳能操作相机前后两个调整环,避免发生手动曝光时候扭曲手指的惨剧。相机加外壳,共计1228美金。我们为它们搭配了Sea & Sea YS-110a闪灯和Ultralight的灯臂套件,因为我们觉得用户会喜欢使用TTL这种更有前景的闪灯系统。全套组合,相机、外壳、广角和灯具套件共计2735美金。

Best Advanced System ($1598 - $3230)

Following on the heels of the Fisheye G10, the Fisheye FIX G11 takes the top spot this year. The same lenses and accessories from Fisheye that fit the G10 housing also fit on the G11 housing. New shooters that are taking up underwater photography as a serious hobby share the desires of advanced SLR shooters looking for a professional grade compact system. The Canon G11 with the Fisheye FIX G11 housing is a perfect match for both types of underwater photographers. The image quality of the Canon G11 continues to be the best we've seen in any compact camera and its slightly larger size and button set feel much more comfortable in the hand. The Fisheye Super wide Lens is the only lens available that allows a 165 degreee field of view with this camera. The optional depth rating of up to 100 meters has captured the tech diving crowd and when packaged with an Inon Z-240 strobe, TTL exposures are bright, accurate and easy. A complete package of camera, housing, wide port, and strobe costs $3230, but this solid system will be shooting and diving for many years to come.

跟Fisheyes的G10一样大受欢迎,它的FIX G11占领了今年评测最顶尖的位置。G10能用的Fisheyes的配件同样能用在G11上。正如那些专业的水下摄影玩家需要一个小点的水下摄影系统一样,那些把水下摄影当成自己真正爱好的新手也会需要一套专业一点水下摄影系统。G11的照片品质是我们在这些小相机里见过最好的,它稍大的尺寸和按钮设置用起来感觉很舒服。Fisheye的超广角能提供165度的视野。能够升级到100米的抗水压性能,绝对可以掳获一批技术潜水玩家的青睐。当它们跟INON 的Z-240闪灯组合起来的时候,用TTL方式曝光能轻易获得准确的亮度和色彩。全套组合,包括相机、潜水壳、广角镜、闪灯,售价3230美金。但是这套坚固的系统,足够大家拍很多年的潜水照片了。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-22 09:46:34 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东广州
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-24 11:40:57 | 只看该作者 来自: 广东广州
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发表于 2012-2-24 15:02:20 | 只看该作者 来自: 美国

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-17 16:04:43 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-23 17:52:57 | 只看该作者 来自: 上海
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使用道具 举报

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