发表于 2012-3-1 17:47:28
来自: 北京
本帖最后由 softer 于 2012-3-1 17:49 编辑
我选的大床的 也就是豪华房 虽然贵点 和拉古那 差不多 ~~
给你点信息吧~~ 我之前问他们的 他们要3月才装修好~~
the resort will only finished the rebuilding by March,
Standard Room & Superior Room is two different type of rooms.
Standard Room is in one block – two storey with 12 rooms. Superior Room is a separate unit two storey with one room upstairs and one room downstairs.
The standard room remains the same, so is our restaurant, swimming pool and dive centre.
不过我相信错点钱住豪华的 比 拉古那 普通园景要好~~
ENJOY~~ 这个是效果图~~
小乐那对这个不太清楚, 他只是告诉我