本帖最后由 rc_april 于 2012-3-22 10:42 编辑以下是HC回复我的邮件,请教高人解答一下是什么意思呢?
We have reviewed your claim further for the lower rate found at www.agoda.com website. Please note that the room that you booked with us under record locator PBHCL3066226134 at the Champlung Sari Hotel Bali was paid partly using the member rewards earned from Groupon UK Promo. Please be aware that as per the terms and conditions provided, these member rewards are non refundable nor transferable. Therefore, in this accordance, we are not able to honor your claim.
nnd,我也刚刚发了申请过去…… 好像他们的最低价格保障条款里也说明了,用券不适用,仔细读读他们的条款 如果不可以,就一开始说清楚,现实情况是一开始可以退,后来装收不到邮件耍赖,现在又说用券不给退,严重鄙视这样的服务! 我没搞懂HC回的邮件里怎么会提到AGODA呢?我的申请邮件是这样写的,从头到尾没提到过AGODA,会不会是客服弄错了呢?:
Dear Sir/Madam:
I'm writing to you to make a refund claim according to your best price
guarantee policy.
I just booked a room with the price US$110. But I just found that
the same room is only US$94.08 (tax included) on skoosh.com on the same
days! The following is the link: 顶!!!求各位长老帮忙分析一下哈 2. The Guarantee does not apply to:
hotel rooms booked through or in combination with frequent stay, loyalty, points or other reward
type programs, rooms booked through coupon promotions, won through contests or sweepstakes or transferred, or rooms booked on websites that do not allow you to see the name of the hotel until your reservation is complete (such as Hotwire and Priceline);
好像确认有这样一条~~~coupon冲进账户的是reward points{:5_379:}
hotelclub有点乱哄哄的。我有两个申请被拒绝,他回复我说是因为人家网站上是含早的,我订的是不含早的,可笑的是我订的房间明明是含早的!他根本没看清楚我的订单。另外,使用80美金券的肯定可以申请最低价格保证,论坛上有好几个同学成功的,我有个账户也成功过的,不过信用卡另外支付的金额要大于你申请的退款。不然, 你抵扣了这80美金后,只要付1美金,但是你申请退回10美金,这个他就不同意了吧! stella 发表于 2012-3-22 11:15 static/image/common/back.gif
hotelclub有点乱哄哄的。我有两个申请被拒绝,他回复我说是因为人家网站上是含早的,我订的是不含早的,可 ...
不是的,我实际支付了30USD现金+80USD会员币,现在申请退回15USD,客服都不同意啊 rc_april 发表于 2012-3-22 11:22 static/image/common/back.gif
不是的,我实际支付了30USD现金+80USD会员币,现在申请退回15USD,客服都不同意啊 ...