花的L洋 发表于 2012-3-23 20:42:49


We have reviewed your claim further for the lower rate found at www.agoda.com website. Please note that the room that you booked with us under record locator PBHCL3066226134 at the Champlung Sari Hotel Bali was paid partly using the member rewards earned from Groupon UK Promo. Please be aware that as per the terms and conditions provided, these member rewards are non refundable nor transferable.

The Guarantee does not apply to:
hotel rooms booked through or in combination with frequent stay, loyalty, points or other reward type programs, rooms booked through coupon promotions, won through contests or sweepstakes or transferred, or rooms booked on websites that do not allow you to see the name of the hotel until your reservation is complete (such as Hotwire and Priceline);membership or corporate rates; and
specially discounted rates or rates available through group buying websites including but not limited Groupon, Spreets.

Therefore, in this accordance, we are not able to honor your claim.

意思是说使用了高朋团购券的订单,不能申请最低价格保证。因为它属于reward type programs。

With regard to your best price guarantee claim, we examined your reservation and found out that a groupon promotional code was used in confirming the booking. Please note that as per terms and conditions online, 'The Guarantee does not apply to hotel rooms booked through or in combination with frequent stay, loyalty, points or other reward type programs, rooms booked through coupon promotions, won through contests or sweepstakes or transferred, or rooms booked on web sites that do not allow you to see the name of the hotel until your reservation is complete (such as Hotwire and Priceline)'.

这封又是这个意思。 看来Hotelclub开始应对大批量BPG申请了
23号开始直接将团购的订单排除在BPG范围内了。 告诉你团购的订单不能参加BPG。


lsnake 发表于 2012-3-23 20:48:17



花的L洋 发表于 2012-3-23 21:12:25

lsnake 发表于 2012-3-23 20:48 static/image/common/back.gif



orange1019 发表于 2012-3-23 21:36:27


花的L洋 发表于 2012-3-23 21:37:42

orange1019 发表于 2012-3-23 21:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我15号发的邮件就一直没回复,后来19号又发了一遍,然后于21号收到回复说我的资料不全不受理,要求提供24小 ...


lanlan18zm 发表于 2012-3-23 23:10:09


玩转世界 发表于 2012-3-23 23:55:15


rc_april 发表于 2012-3-24 00:10:38

楼主: 有个疑问就是说,我当时那两个账号同时发出的相同申请,一个被批准了,而一个被拒绝,是同一个客服发出的回信,奇怪在于我被拒绝的那个邮件是先收到,批准的那个是后收到,两封邮件收到时间只相差10分钟,如果是HC的BPG政策变了,也不会是在10分钟之内变的吧?

libragirl 发表于 2012-3-24 12:48:08

页: [1]
查看完整版本: [最新]发现Hotelclub从今天开始规定用团购的订单不能申请BPG了