Hi,Thank you for your enquiry.
For your kind information, we had forwarded your matter to the related department for further investigation. However, please allow us for 3-4 working days to revert back.
Should you require any further information or clarifications, you could reach us at +6(03) 79625888
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00 am. – 9.00 pm.
Closed: Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
Call Centre Department
@TuneHotels 请尽快退款给我!我保留投诉的权利![怒]
http://www.elvxing.net/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 来自 启乘启程 的新浪微博 只要有支付宝的证据,会收到的,我之前遇到过。搞了十来天到帐户了,后来让我发需要哪天入住?姓名和护照号什么的。 最终结果:我电话联系信用卡客服要求退款,上个月查账单发现退回来了:lol